ASP.NET unit testing


If you have modified NUnitAsp or developed your own testers, let us know! We will integrate your changes into NUnitAsp so others can use them and you don't have to maintain them. Be sure to follow these guidelines when sending in changes:

  1. Base your changes off of the latest release of NUnitAsp. Don't use the latest code in CVS; it makes diff'ing too difficult. If your changes require the code in CVS, coordinate with James Shore on the nunitasp-devl list before posting your patch. (Note: This is a change from previous instructions. We've found that basing changes off of the latest release rather than CVS allows more people to use it and makes changes easier to spot.)

  2. Always write tests for your changes.

  3. Match your coding style to the existing NUnitAsp style.

  4. Create a "readme.txt" file that explains the purpose of the patch, includes the version number of NUnitAsp that your changes are based on, and assigns your copyright to James Shore. (Just say "I (your name) assign the copyright to this patch to James Shore.")

  5. Place new and changed files (except VS.NET files such as .csproj) in a zip file. Match the existing directory structure and include your readme.txt file. Don't include files that haven't changed.

  6. Submit your changes to the SourceForge Patches tracker. Please note in the description that you've included a copyright assignment. (Please do not submit patches to the nunitasp-devl mailing list as requested in previous versions.)

Patches that don't follow these guidelines will take longer to be integrated and may even be rejected entirely. In particular, we cannot accept patches without a copyright assignment.

Most of all... thanks for your help!