To do: * Address InnerText vs. InnerXml. Remove HtmlTag.BodyNoTags. * Review form variables' use of Element/Tag (Tag should be protected, not internal or public) * Exceptions need to be organized * Explanatory message: UserControlTester.FindControl should throw exception explaining control nesting * Make these HttpClient methods public: SetFormVariable, ClearFormVariable, SubmitForm * FAQ: No change to "get" without postback (eg, tracker #1106130) * Look into HtmlAgilityPack HTML parser: * FAQ: error: lib/nant/nant.exe.config (Cory Foy, "Build problems," 4/11-4/13/05) * HTML controls: HtmlInputFile * Add information on SF trackers to docs * Add to doc page? NUnitAsp innards discussion at * Add FAQ? Watir vs. NUnitAsp * Check out NUnitAspInjector ASP.NET 2.0 issues: * VS.NET 2005 default DOCTYPE has changed--causes parser to do a slow web lookup * MasterPage tester needed Changes in NUnitAsp 2.0: Produced by James Shore. * Modified to work with ASP.NET 2.0 (ASP.NET 1.1 will no longer work). Contributed by James Shore. * Changed default HttpClient.UserAgent to be the same as Internet Explorer 6. Contributed by James Shore. * Added FAQ: How to test sites that require authentication. Contributed by James Shore. * Removed NUnit requirement. NUnitAsp now works with any test framework. Contributed by James Shore. * Augmented Browser property with HttpClient.Default static property. Contributed by James Shore. * Augmented CurrentWebForm property with single-parameter constructor for testers. Contributed by James Shore. * Created NUnitAdapter.cs file that provides backwards compatibility and quick-start for NUnit users. Credit James Shore. * Created new migration guide for v1.6. Removed old NUnit 2.0 migration guide. Contributed by James Shore. * Renamed WebForm to WebFormTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added "Variables" property to WebFormTester and created FormVariables class to enable direct control and access to form variables. Contributed by James Shore. * Added support for multiple forms. Contributed by James Shore with thanks to Aaron Jenson for finding a crucial bug. * Added ability for tests to submit and post-back forms. Contributed by James Shore. * Updated FAQ: How to compile with NAnt under .NET 1.1. Contributed by Cory Foy and Ted Husted. * Changed LinkButtonTester to NOT check if the link is disabled. Contributed by James Shore. * Added WebAssert.TableContainsRow. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlButtonTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlInputButtonTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlInputImageTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlInputRadioButtonTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlInputTextTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlTextAreaTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlSelectTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlTableTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlTagTester, which can test any HTML tag. (Removed HtmlTag.) Contributed by James Shore. * Fixed TextBoxTester.MaxLength bug which that made that method unusable. Contributed by James Shore. * Added support for AutoPostBack to RadioButtonTester and CheckBoxTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added ability to instantiate HTML testers by XPath as well as ID. Contributed by James Shore. * Added RepeaterTester. Contributed by Ben Monro, Peter Jaffe, and James Shore. * Added ListControlTester.SelectedValue. Contributed by Shane Lenagh. * Created "Advanced NUnitAsp" tutorial video. Contributed by James Shore with contributions by Rob Myers. * Added message to Tester to clarify common error of putting testers directly in assertions. Contributed by James Shore. * Added NamingContainerTester. Contributed by James Shore. * Added WebAssert.CurrentUrlEndsWith(). Contributed by James Shore. * Added WebAssert.Visible(tester, message) and WebAssert.NotVisible(tester, message). Contributed by James Shore. * Added validator testers. Contributed by Kyle Heon and James Shore. Thanks to Mickey Epperson for discovering an important bug. * Fixed WebAssert.AreEqual(string[][]) bug that caused an index out of bounds exception. Contributed by James Shore. * Added HtmlTagTester.ChildrenByXPath(). Contributed by James Shore. Changes in NUnitAsp 1.5.1: Produced by James Shore and Levi Khatskevitch. * Added PostBack() overload that takes actual event target and argument. Contributed by James Shore. * Fixed parsing error that occurred when combining