
RepeaterTester.RepeaterFooterTester Class

Tester for FooterTemplate. Use this tester as a container for other testers. This example demonstrates how to test a button that's in the FooterTemplate of a repeater:

            RepeaterTester repeater = new RepeaterTester("repeater");
            ButtonTester button = new ButtonTester("button", repeater.Footer);

For a list of all members of this type, see RepeaterTester.RepeaterFooterTester Members.


public class RepeaterTester.RepeaterFooterTester : RepeaterTemplateTester


Namespace: NUnit.Extensions.Asp.AspTester

Assembly: NUnitAsp (in NUnitAsp.dll)

See Also

RepeaterTester.RepeaterFooterTester Members | NUnit.Extensions.Asp.AspTester Namespace